Carlinville, Illinois

Gare – Bâtiment de gare (avec salle d'attente)
Emplacement indiqué
128 Alton Road
Carlinville, IL 62626-1625
Carlinville est le siège du comté de Macoupin. Son monument emblématique est le palais de justice historique du comté avec son dôme en argent. La communauté possède également une grande collection de maisons de catalogue Sears.

Obtenez les notifications de porte d'embarquement dans l'applicaton Amtrak

Évitez la foule! Obtenez les notifications sur la porte d'embarquement et la voie pour cette gare directement sur votre téléphone. Seulement télécharger l'application Amtrak et s'assurer que les mises à jour de voyage et l'état sont activés dans la configuration. Les numéros de portes d'embarquement sont habituellement affichés 15 minutes avant le départ du train.

Détails de la gare

  • Unstaffed station
  • ATM not available
  • No elevator
  • No payphones
  • No Amtrak ticketing kiosks
  • Restrooms
  • Unaccompanied child travel not allowed
  • No vending machines
  • No WiFi
  • Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to departure

    How long before departure to be at the station.

Indique un service disponible pour les personnes handicapées.

  • Amtrak Express shipping not available
  • No checked baggage service
  • No checked baggage storage
  • Bike boxes not available

    The number of bike boxes available in the station is limited. For assistance, call us at 1-800-USA-RAIL.

  • No baggage carts
  • Ski bags not available
  • No bag storage

    Baggage storage is an area where passengers may store their bags, equivalent to "left luggage" in Europe. A storage fee may apply.

  • Shipping boxes not available
  • No baggage assistance

    Free passenger assistance, including baggage-handling and courtesy wheelchairs where available, is provided by station staff.

  • Same-day parking is available

    Amtrak cannot guarantee that a parking space will be available at the time of your trip.

  • Overnight parking is available

    Amtrak cannot guarantee that a parking space will be available at the time of your trip.

Indique un service disponible pour les personnes handicapées.

  • No payphones
  • Accessible platform

    Accessible platform is a barrier-free path from the drop-off area outside the station to the train platform.

  • Accessible restrooms
  • No accessible ticket office
  • Accessible waiting room
  • Accessible water fountain
  • Same-day, accessible parking is available

    Amtrak cannot guarantee that a parking space will be available at the time of your trip.

  • Overnight, accessible parking is available

    Amtrak cannot guarantee that a parking space will be available at the time of your trip.

  • No high platform

    A high platform is a platform at the level of the vestibule of the train, with the exception of two-level Superliner trains.

  • No wheelchair

    For passengers who cannot walk far or at all, we offer a wheelchair to help move around within the station. At some stations this may be a battery-powered people mover.

  • Wheelchair lift available

    Wheelchair lift is a platform-mounted lift for loading passengers from low platforms onto trains that do not have onboard ramps.

Station Waiting Room Hours

MONDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM
TUESDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM
WEDNESDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM
THURSDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM
FRIDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM
SATURDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM
SUNDAY5:30 AM - 11:30 PM

Ticket Office Hours

No ticket office at this location.

Passenger Assistance

No passenger assistance service at this location.

Checked Baggage Service

No checked baggage at this location.

Parking Hours

No parking at this location.

Quik-Trak Kiosk Hours

No Amtrak kiosks at this location.

Lounge Hours

No lounge at this location.

Amtrak Express Service

No Amtrak Express at this location.

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